Chamber membership is an investment in Erie’s prosperity. Becoming a member indicates a company’s commitment to creating a vibrant and sustainable regional economy.
Chamber membership is an investment in Erie’s prosperity. Becoming a member indicates a company’s commitment to creating a vibrant and sustainable regional economy. Make the most of membership with benefits like:
“Being a chamber member introduced me to like-minded business leaders eager to discuss challenges and opportunities in business. I’m also exposed to businesses I’d never know about otherwise. It’s been an incredible value professionally and personally and an extremely worthwhile investment.”
Adam Baker
Strategic Partner | Schooley Mitchell
Our community’s growth depends on diverse industries coming together to create dynamic business environments. Your continued commitment to the Erie Regional Chamber enables us to stimulate the local economy and advocate for a pro-business climate and policies with our elected officials. Members gain insight into important issues impacting the community and gain a seat at the table to solve regional challenges for continued business success.